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Frequently Asked Questions

I Live In The West Shore School District - Why Don't I Receive The Discounted Price?


A:  The "discounted resident rate" is not based on the school district you live in.  It is based on the municipality you live in.  Currently, the municipalities who participate with the West Shore Recreation Commission include the townships of Fairview & Lower Allen and the boroughs of Goldsboro, Lemoyne, Lewisberry & New Cumberland.  


All are welcome to participate in West Shore Rec activities, but since non-participating municipalities (Newberry Township & Wormleysburg Borough) do not contribute financially to West Shore Rec, they are not eligible for the discounted price, early registration, or scholarship benefits.



When Does The Next West Shore Rec Brochure Come Out?


A:  Winter/Spring - This brochure is mailed to every residence in the West Shore Rec service area during the last week of December.  It includes programs that take place anytime from January thru May.


Summer & Fall - The summer & fall brochures are mailed to the homes of anyone who has enrolled in an activity within the last 3 years and to customers who request to be on the mailing list (requests must be made two weeks prior to the mailing dates in April and August).  The summer brochure includes activities that take place from June thru August and the fall programs run September thru December.  


Confirm or add your name to the brochure mailing list by calling the West Shore Rec office at 717-920-9515 or create an account online through ActiveNet and enroll in the "Brochure Subscription" activity.


Copies of the West Shore Rec brochure are also distributed to the following:

  • Township and Borough offices

  • Red Land, New Cumberland & Fredrickson Libraries

  • West Shore School District - school offices

  • Red Land & West Shore Senior Centers


Electronic copies of the West Shore Rec brochure are always available on the Home page of this website.



If I Am A Resident And Enroll My Grandchild (a Non-Resident) In An Activity, Do I Receive The Discounted Price?


A:  The price you pay for an activity is determined by the primary residence of the person enrolling in that activity, not the payee.



Can You Hold A Spot In A Program Without Payment?


A:  Payment is required at the time of enrollment to reserve your spot in a particular program.  Your registration can only be processed with payment in full at the time of registration, or in the case of an overnight trip, the required deposit.



Will I Be Sent Reminders For The Activities I Am Enrolled In?


A:  A confirmation email will be sent to you at the time of registration.  Otherwise, no reminders will be sent to you.  You may view your past, present and future activities online at anytime with an ActiveNet account.



What Happens If It Snows or School is Cancelled?


A:  Inclement weather may prompt the rec office to cancel a program.  If possible, a make-up date will be scheduled.  If in doubt, call the office at 717-920-9515 and select option 3.  All program cancellations due to inclement weather will be listed on the recording unless noted otherwise in the activity description.  Please be aware that activities may still be held if school is cancelled since many are held at locations other than a school building.  It is best to call the office to confirm the status of your activity.



Why Do I Need To Give My Date Of Birth?


A:  To be eligible for a program, a participant must be the proper age by the start or by the end of the program.  All age requirements are set to benefit the participant and make instruction more consistent for the program leader.  In some instances, the requirements have been set for the participant's safety. 



Do You Need My Email Address To Register For A Program?


A:  We treat email addresses as confidential information and will not share them.  Email addresses will only be used to send you enrollment confirmations, contact you about an activity in which you are enrolled, or to provide occasional updates regarding West Shore Rec program offerings.



What Is The Minimum Enrollment Needed For A Class?


A:  Almost every activity has a minimum number of participants needed to cover the expenses or to make it enjoyable.  Too often quality activities are cancelled because people wait until the last minute to register.  Please register early as there is no risk of losing money.  If a program is cancelled due to low enrollment, you will receive a refund.



Can I Enroll My Child In More Than One Swim Level At A Time?


A:  You may only enroll in one youth swim lesson at a time.  Once your child has finished the current lessons, contact our office to register for the next level or to repeat the same level if needed.



What Youth Swim Level Should I Enroll My Child In?


A:  If your child has never participated in swimming lessons before, you will most likely want to start them at Level 1.  Otherwise, to assess your child's swimming level please visit our Aquatics Page and click on the links with descriptions of each American Red Cross swim level from 1 thru 6.  


Youth Swim Lesson registration is not available online to make sure participants are enrolled in the correct level.  Please call our office at 717-920-9515 to register or to receive assistance with selecting the correct swim level.



What Is The Rec Swim Punch Card And How Does It Work?


A:  The Punch Card can be used as a form of payment for admission to Rec Swim and Lap Swim

  • Customers purchase a Punch Card at the rec office in person or over the phone

  • Punch Cards have a value of $26.  Residents pay $20.  Non-Residents pay $26

  • Punch Cards have 26 "$" symbols on the card each representing $1   

  • When attending Rec Swim the lifeguard will "punch out" each "$" symbol up to the amount owed for admission (example: if one person is attending and the cost is $5 then 5 "$" symbols will be punched out)

  • Punch Cards can be used by anyone and do not expire as long as there are unused "$" symbols on the card



Do You Offer Gift Certificates?


A:  Yes, the details on our gift certificates are as follows:

  • Available in any amount

  • Can be used for any West Shore Rec activity (except discount theme park tickets)

  • Order and pay by phone or in-person at our office 



Do You Offer Scholarships?  (Temporarily Suspended Until Further Notice)


A:  Yes, for select activities, the Millard Freysinger Memorial Fund provides financial scholarships to students (residing in a participating municipality) under one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Student is eligible for free/reduced price school lunch program

    • A copy of the lunch program letter from the WSSD must be provided to the WSRec office prior to or at the time of enrollment.​​

  2. Recommendation from a school counselor

    • Counselor recommendation letter can be sent directly to our office for review​

  3. Student's parent is an active duty member of the military

    • Military ID's can be brought to our office for review before program registration​


Scholarships are one-half the resident cost on eligible activities and are indicated with a "&" symbol in the brochure.  Scholarships can only be used for one activity per season, per child.  All information will be kept completely confidential.



Do You Offer A Summer Day Camp?


A:  Yes, our summer day camp program is called PlayZone.  It is a quality, structured Day Camp experience that will keep your child engaged and active over the summer.  For more information visit the PlayZone Day Camp page.



Is Online Registration Available?


A:  Yes, online registration is one of five ways to register for most West Shore Rec activities.  For online registration, we use the web-based software called "ActiveNet".  Please note:  There is a processing fee of 7.91% plus $0.54 to register online (minimum fee is $2.00).  This fee is charged by ActiveNet and goes directly to them, WSRec does not receive this fee.

  • To register online start by creating an account with ActiveNet

  • If a WSRec activity is cancelled, as a courtesy to our customers, a WSRec credit is placed on your account in the amount of the online processing fee that ActiveNet collected.  

  • A few activities such as Youth Swim Lessons and Overnight Bus Trips are not available for registration through ActiveNet.



Who Do I Contact If I Am Interested In Offering A Program With West Shore Rec?


A:  We are always looking for new programs!  If you have an interest in becoming an instructor, fill out a course description form and mail to the address listed below or email to  Completed forms will be reviewed by West Shore Rec Staff.

Contact West Shore Recreation Commission

Telephone:  717-920-9515


Fax:  717-920-9518




Mail:  PO Box 413

           Lewisberry, PA 17339




Office Location:

West Shore School District Admin Bldg

507 Fishing Creek Road

Lewisberry, PA  17339


Office Hours:

Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Office Closed:

February 17, April 18, 21 & May 26


Follow WSRec:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
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